Words poetic
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader....
Updated and added too when I can...
Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....
Back when (inspired by two other poets)
When I was only five years old, the world was three feet high,
I rode my bike across the hills just to try and reach the sky.
They say you can never go back, to re-find your childhood way,
that was then and this a now, the two worlds can't overlay.
But I go to visit, walking valleys, I ran with other boys and dogs
stepped over streams I used to jump and try to damn with logs.
I find the tree that I once climbed, with treasures there to hide,
in hollow shapes beneath the boughs, the secret place reside.
The tree seems smaller now, or taller am I to reach up so high,
I feel inside the hidden hollows for a hidden treasures to deny.
Low I have found a treasure hidden there, pulling out a rusty tin,
so resting its lid from its base, I find an old folded note within.
Though faded grey, the paper thin, the ink is still bright blue,
in my own bad handwriting just three words 'I remember you'.