Words poetic
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader....
Updated and added too when I can...
Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....
Far to go till Friday...
At such a very early age you quest a life just begun,
to dream a dream of days to be, of years yet to come.
To breath in the ones future air, as it is yet unfound,
to seek life's meaning both above and below ground.
To yearn for future fears and tribulations as yet unsaid
and to always seek consolation, within ones own head.
Don’t mistake your life for dreams, life is more exciting,
I cannot describe the future within the words I’m writing.
Your future is an adventure, only it will take a lifetime,
your dreams are soon over and lost within a night time.
Grasp your future and make it your own task, for me,
let life be a wild wind, filled only with your own destiny.