Words poetic 
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader.... Updated and added too when I can...

Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....

Time passes
(inspired by something past, written, read, heard or said by or to me)

Cats lay down and sleeping,
full moon sees me weeping.
Don't even care if the sun don't shine,
even the clouds won’t know the right time,when you'll be mine
you will be mine at the right time.

I look out on sea and skies,
sit and watch the sun rise.
Waves caress the empty beach,
stop, listen, then turn and run, they know your gone far from reach,
all they hear are gulls that screech.

Footprints no more to see,
why has death robbed me.
My mind is like a cobweb frieze,
my tears glisten there like dewdrops, they twinkle in the breeze,
times wind erodes my memory.

If I could see you once more,
sweetly stroll upon the shore.
Let the sea be once more your friend,
fill your footprints, hear your laugh, so chase running, it to send,
with me to where time is without end.

People pass me by, unseen,
I am lost, a place in between.
We will be together, no mistake,
but too cheat time, make it sooner, would be to big a risk to take,
but we will sing and dance at my wake.



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