Words poetic 
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader.... Updated and added too when I can...

Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....

Bad Day, Bad Week, Bad Feelings.

My days are filled with ignorance,
desires that remain so undone.
I feel I have no longer influence,
of the direction in which to run.

However hard I work, I’m unfulfilled,
my words fall, it’s like raining stones.
Just wasting my breath, now so stilled,
I should just stick to designing homes.

No one wants my tender moments now,
my words of comfort, or words of desire.
Oh am I shouting at the deaf somehow,
perhaps my words should go into the fire.

My solitude and somnolence erodes me,
so surrounded by unsympathetic ears.
Tell me what is now to become of me,
I feel that it all may soon end in tears.



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