Words poetic 
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader.... Updated and added too when I can...

Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....

Love ?

I’ve been thinking about love,
and I have made a decision.
I’ve looked deep into my heart,
and I have found no provision.

For one who treats me with such verbal derision,
whose tenderness to me is like a sexual collision.

When your there, you don’t care,
then if I’m away, you start to play,
I can see you have feelings for me.

We’re no good for each other,
we would be better off apart.
Togetherness has surely ended,
did it even get chance to start.
There is just no communication,
it’s like an empty sailing chart.
Where to go we’ve no direction,
so lets tear ourselves apart.

When your there, I’m so very aware,
not so blind, to what's on your mind,
your not for me, just waiting to be free.

I know someday, I’ll return to find you gone,
and I know deep inside, my life will carry on.

You’re not mine anymore, if you ever were you at all.



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