Words poetic 
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader.... Updated and added too when I can...

Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....

Time to leave ------- Dedicated to Durenda Kay Gorham

The sun will set for me one day and I shall no longer see,
a day shall dawn, when I am gone, who will remember me.
Springs and summers will all pass, winter, autumns too,
let them pass before me now, I may not see them through.
Please don't be sad for me, though tears will surely come,
think of me smiling, happy, who never left things undone.
Life may not have been so kind, more things left to do,
think me outside a door, that I have just passed through.
Let every day be my smile, each moon my sleeping face,
let all stars reflect my dreams, for this lovely human race.
Remember me each passing day, but your life must go on,
let my departure be with love, like the ending of a song.
Let me be that tune that stays, humming in your mind,
a warm thing, a lovely thing, who has left you all behind.
I shall then live on forever, within memories you recall,
in your voices I speak and through your eyes I see you all.



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