Words poetic
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader....
Updated and added too when I can...
Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....
Coffee shop
Its chatter, chatter
a noise all around
chairs cups clatter
ear piercing sound.
Some they shout
some don't stop
waitress breezy
her shoes clip clop.
Then the whisper
they're over there
someone famous
just as if we care.
Finally tea iss here
the English cup
cant wait to drink
it's to hot to sup.
Something nice
arrives no behest
strawberry prize
not my request.
More tea I call
oh what a to-do
if I drink it all
I'll need the loo.
Getting the bill
an uphill task
stood at the till
you have to ask.