Words poetic 
These are my words, they mean something to me and hopefully something to you, the reader.... Updated and added too when I can...

Please contact me with comments or suggestions and thank you for reading my words.....

Don’t Cry

I see your pretty face, but I see the tears in your eyes,
I’ve never seen you cry before, this is such a surprise.
Did my touch upset you, though filled with tenderness,
did I do something wrong, do you not want my caress.

Why do you look at me, am I asking the wrong question,
is my interpretation wrong, can I make a one suggestion.
You could stop crying now and cease all this commotion,
I realise their not tears of pain, but are tears of emotion.

They’re just your expression of a love you hold for me,
I share that love deep inside, so then lovers we can be.
I have loved you from the first day, each day a little more,
so dry those lovely eyes, kiss me, and don’t cry anymore.



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